Children's drawing and comics workshop

Ms/Mrs Anne Valletta

Salle communale à cô

07380 Meyras

Telephone : 06 42 22 84 25

Introduce your children, aged 6 and over, to Anne's drawing and comics workshops!
Through a multitude of projects and games, budding artists will be invited, throughout the year, to enrich their illustrated worlds...

but also to deepen their drawing technique, observation and documentation, to concoct good stories with interesting characters on themes that are important to them, all while regularly discovering new comics.

In the interest of economic viability and to allow participants to experiment with long-term projects, this workshop is weekly and takes place throughout the school year, except during the holidays. The commitment is annual.

Commitment to the year requested with the advance of the entire payment by cheque, then cashing year, month or quarter according to your means.
There will be no reimbursement or catch-up in case of absence of children, except in case of prolonged health problem.
If the worker were to be absent, reimbursement of the sessions not attended would take place at the end of the school year.

Période d'ouverture

From 13/09/2023 to 03/07/2024, every Wednesday between 10 am and 11.30 am.

Facilities / Interests

Commerce Et Service Prestataire

Anne Valletta - illustrator and graphic designer

Duree Seance

One price: 380 €.


Sep 13, 2023 Jul 03, 2024

Modes Paiement

Check, Cash, Online payment




Pour 32 ateliers d'1h30 + le matériel :
380€ TTC pour l'année, tarif unique a l'année avec une séance d'essai offerte lors des inscriptions.



Latitude : 44.750917

Longitude : 4.247683

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Source des données

APIDAE - L'information touristique

Données mises à jour le Mar 21, 2024 00:30:43