Bowl of Jaujac volcano
The volcano of the Jaujac Cup takes its name «Cup» of its shape, evoking, it is said, a cup to drink. «It is one of the most regular volcanoes in France, the most perfect even» (Brousse & Berger, 1967, p.3).
Période d'ouverture
All year round.Facilities / Interests
Picnic area, Orientation board, Parking nearbyServices
Pets welcome, Unguided group tours, Unguided individual toursDuree Moyenne Visite Groupe
120Duree Moyenne Visite Individuelle
120Prestations Visites Individuelles
Unguided individual tours available permanentlyPrestations Visites Groupees
Unguided group tours available permanentlyVisitable
Source des données
Données mises à jour le Mar 21, 2024 00:30:34